Big News

3 Ways to Preserve Our Boots

23 January 2014

Number 1:  Always store your boots in a dry space.  Many boots are made of organic material, like leather. Moisture can break down the integrity of this material and leave you with a soft, moldy boot. 

Number 2: Don't wear your boots around the house. Boots, more than any other shoe, have a purpose in their form. This may be fashion, performance, uniform, or otherwise. Wearing them to take the garbage out of the house is an abuse of their use!!

Number 3: Polish regularly. It's not as hard as you'd think.

  1. Step 1: Take out the laces (if you have time)
  2. Step 2: Use a rag to rub polish all over the shoe. 
  3. Step 3: Use another rag to buff the polish off. 

And that's it! 

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